Saturday, December 27, 2008

Matthew's 1st Birthday!!!

One of the birthday guests hid Huck's tennis balls in Santa.

It's my birthday; I'm one year old! We're having a pajama/breakfast birthday party with all my friends.

Is that camera going to be on me ALL day?

Auntie Wimmie, Daddy and Emma - post party. Everyone survived.

The tossing of the gift wrap. That's a birthday tradition, right?

Hanging out with Daddy.

Daddy giving me a zerbert.

Me giving Daddy the Heisman.

All my friends unwrapping my gifts for me. They were incredibly helpful with this.

My birthday breakfast - banana muffin, fruit, cottage cheese, cheerios, and a "1" candle. yummy!

Jill, Carson, Mazli, Nate & Joe...and Emma begging, of course.

Missy and Auntie Wimmie watching all the kids run crazy. Aren't the dads supposed to be watching them right now?

Uh, I guess not. They are all huddled in a corner, trying to wake up with their coffee and mimosas.

Jake, Joe and me - these dudes are cool! I know I'm going to have fun with them for years to come.

Thea, Jill, Joe, Jake and Me

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